Cambridge: Proposed Post Room within the Porters' Lodge at Jesus College
Visualiser: Jonathan Pyecroft
The Porters' Lodge of any college is a pivotal place, having to meet the needs of security, post, parcels, reception and much more. Jesus is one of the many colleges which has needed to expand the Lodge to cope. Following many months of careful negotiation, Listed Building and Planning Consents were received in February 2017. Construction began in July 2018; the new Lodge is expected to be finished in May 2019. The Post Room will contain over one thousand pigeonholes, manufactured in 'quarter sawn' European oak.
Other projects completed in 2017:
Cambridge: Repairs to the stained glass windows within the Old Library at Jesus College
Cambridge: New Ramp to allow wheelchair access into the Chapel at Jesus College
Suffolk: Extensions and alterations to a Listed Private House near Southwold
London: Advice given in connection with alterations to the Danish Church of St Katherine adjacent to The Regent's Park