Paul Vonberg Architects: Project Montage

Paul Vonberg MA (Cantab) Dip Arch RIBA AABC

Paul Vonberg Architects is a specialist practice concerned primarily with the alteration and repair of listed historic buildings. We also design contemporary interiors inspired by our work on many historic rooms. We offer a very personal service founded on design sensitivity, common sense and long experience. We direct architectural and interior projects ranging from a few thousand to a few million pounds in value.

Since 1989, Paul Vonberg has been asked to advise on a number of prestigious historic buildings, mostly in Westminster, the City of London and Cambridge. These can be seen on the Project Pages. Many of these projects have involved especially challenging Planning Permissions or Listed Building Consents where our particular skill at preparing and marshalling arguments seems to have brought considerable success in unpromising circumstances. In recent years, an increasing number of clients have also asked us to design major alterations to their homes, sensing, perhaps, that the levels of thought, experience and care which are needed in working on a Grade 1 Listed building will actually serve their needs well too. We regard such projects as hugely exciting and pride ourselves on designing places which, whether traditional or contemporary, are functional, beautifully detailed and, above all, feel right for our clients.